Author Aoife Marie Sheridan

"Bringing you into my world, one page at a time"

Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty Shades of Grey - E.L. James Didn't enjoy, it just wasn't for me, but others may enjoy it.

RATGIRL: Song of the Viper

RATGIRL: Song of the Viper - Gayle C. Krause Review of Ratgirl

Star rating: 4 stars

Jax is the heroine of this story and I just loved her.

Ratgirl is set in a dystopia world, a world where no one goes out in the day, due to the severity of the heat. It would literally kill you. So at night time the underground city comes alive. Ratgirl reminded me of the Hunger games in ways as Jax scavenges abandoned homes for items of value, and sells them on the black market to keep her friends and family fed. Her ability to sneak around is great. For Jax is what pushes her so far is family and friends. But when Jax’s brother is taken she doesn’t crumble, she fights. But her fight gets more complicated when the magnitude of the situation is discovered and with a city infested with rats well it adds to the mix.
The idea of competing with rats for food had my skin crawling. I hate rats. Yet I was intrigued to understand what the rats had to do with anything, and then Jax sang.

This story has it all fight for survival, action and we get to meet some amazing characters. Colt being one of my favourite. :)

This story doesn’t give up for a moment and the plot was very well written. I truly enjoyed it and I would recommend Ratgirl to all lovers of stories like the Hunger Games.

Omens: A Cainsville Novel (Omens and Shadows)

Omens - Kelley Armstrong Review of Omens

Rating 5 stars

Olivia Taylor lives the high life, her world is of wealth, charity events (for the rich) and she’s engaged to James. But when she finds out she’s the daughter of the serial killers “The Larsen’s” her world is shattered. She fleas to Cainsville where strange doesn’t even begin to describe it. It’s there that we meet Gabriel. Gabriel is a lawyer who helps Olivia look into her real parents so called crimes.
I loved the superstition in omens. I found myself at night placing my pillows inwards, watching cats to see if rain was coming or birds to indicate towards the future. I loved all the aspects that Kelly Armstrong came from.

Secondly I just adored Gabriel he was selfish, arrogant yet his demons are bigger then I first thought and I feel in the second book we will find out things about Gabriel that will be hard to swallow. But I still love him as a character. Olivia and Gabriel’s relationship was strained at most parts, but it was the smallest gesture or the way he looked at her that had my heart rate in overdrive.

I loved omens and can’t wait for the second book. I would highly recommend this to all paranormal readers.

Beasthood (The Hidden Blood Series, #1)

Beasthood (The Hidden Blood Series, #1) - A.Z. Green Review of Beasthood

Rating: 3 stars

Jaz is the main character in the story, and she seems like a normal girl who suffers from an iron deficiency. But when she suffers a terrible dream that feels real to her she gets therapy. An aunt she didn’t know she had comes to take her off on a holiday to a spa and she goes feeling excited until she steps outside and a limo is waiting for her with its own driver.

When Jaz’s eyes lock with the driver who calls himself Driver she feels a sudden pull.
From that moment the story takes off, as it’s told through everyone’s perspective and we get to know what everyone is thinking and feeling. I much prefer a story to be told in first person, that’s me I always enjoy them better, gauging people’s reactions from facial expression and not knowing what they are thinking, so straight away it kind of pulled me out of the story. As I know what everyone’s agenda was as such was.

Once Jaz reaches the “SPA” I got confused when she was chased, she was going there willingly yet she got out of the car to get sick and then all of a sudden she’s racing down a dirt road, with men on her heals, Driver being one of them. She’s taken and placed in a sealed room where she spends a few days’ terrified and confused. I was as confused as she was, but even as I read the story I still can’t for the life of me understand why she was chased. I re-read it three times thinking I missed something but I am still as confused. She believed it was a spa, why not let her walk to the room and shut the door behind her if they wanted to keep her locked up, why all the drama. Just didn’t get it.

Anyway she soon learns what she is but it’s all in small doses and her acceptance is pretty realistic, she has zero trust in everyone including her aunt, I don’t blame her. But she accepts her new life and starts to fall for Driver who was mated to her Sister, who died. It wasn’t weird as she wasn’t his true mate, but Jaz is.

For me it didn’t do it, but others may feel differently and should give it a read.

Break My Fall: Broken (Broken #1)

Break My Fall: Broken (Broken #1) - Chloe Walsh Review of Break My Fall

Star rating: 5 stars

I don’t normally read this genre, but I am glad I did. I just loved Break My Fall.

Lee moves in with her high school friend, and straight away you can see her innocence and fear. Her first night there she drinks a little too much and finally gets to meet another roommate, Kyle, who is drop dead gorgeous. Something sparks between the two of them, and Lee acts out of character by kissing Kyle back when he kisses her, only for the kiss to end by his kind-of girlfriend Rachel, who is pissed to say the least.

Lee dies of embarrassment the next day when she comes face to face with Kyle, and spills her coffee; it’s pretty funny how she gets around him. But as the story continues and we watch their love blossom for each other, so much more comes to the surface. I can tell you one thing, this book is drama, drama, drama, and I loved every second of it. I found myself laughing non-stop, or giving Lee a high five when she stood up to Rachel.

The part that got me the most is when Lee and Kyle have a fight in the Kitchen and he grabs her while screaming, it’s at the moment I could see the depth of Lee’s issues, she crumbles and I crumbled too. I had to put my book down, as I cried. It tore me apart; it was so well written I could feel every ounce of Lee’s pain. After the episode we find out exactly what happened to Lee and it’s so sad, but we also see why Kyle is the way he is too and what hold Rachel has on him.

The story is two people with messed up back grounds, both fighting the odds, and both falling for each other.
The sex scenes in the book where very heavy in my opinion, and once again it isn’t something I would normally read, but overlooking them, the story itself was brilliant I finished this book in one sitting and would highly recommend it to others.

Out of Darkness

Out of Darkness - Jason D. Morrow 3.5 stars.


Half-Blood - Jennifer L. Armentrout Review of Half Blood

Rating: 4 stars

I read some other reviews regarding this book and the amount of people that suggested it was like Vampire Academy, had me curious. Yes it was but it was also unique in its own way.

Alex the main character is a fighter, on the run with her mother, she’s a half blood protector of the pure’s, but when she runs into trouble with daimons her mother is killed and she’s saved by the pure’s one being Aiden. Wow is hot. :)

I loved Alex’s dry sense of humour her smart mouth and her drive. She’s like a disobedient child when someone says go left she will go right. But it’s fun to read, as she trained by Aiden who is forbidden to the likes of her. Half bloods and pure’s are not allowed to be together, and it’s tough as they train the feelings she has for Aiden grow stronger.
She also has some awful people to deal with like Lea who’s nothing but a bitch, but Alex ends up breaking her nose and I loved it. It was so deserving to hell with the consequences. Then there’s Lucian her step-father who is the worst parent of all.

But Alex is also surround by some really cool people like Caleb her best friend who ISN’T in love with her, and I appreciated this so much in the book. Majority of male best friends are in love with the MC. So this was a breath of fresh air.

The love story between Aiden and Alex is electric but for me I loved Seth the Apollyon, he was rude yet cool, sounded gorgeous but towards the end of the book we got to see a nice side of him. (well kind of). 

Overall really enjoyed this story it was non-stop action in every department and I love a MC with a sarcastic mouth.

The System

The System - Teshelle Combs Review of The System

Star rating: 4 stars

Nessa Parker is the main character and she’s strong, loyal and witty. I just loved her. Taken from her normal life she’s into the system. The system wasn’t really what I expected the violence that Collins delivers to them, had me shocked to the core and their reason for being in the system was even more appalling. They had to assassinate certain people, if they failed their lives where over. Nessa isn’t normal but has a rare gift as such, she can kill you without touching you. She finds out some horrible truths about her parents and about herself but she stays strong through it all. I cried when I read a certain part with her dad, it just broke my heart; it was unfair, cruel and heart-breaking. But it fuels Nessa’s reason to fight the system and with Nick at her side she has everything to fight for.
Nick O god, he was messed up, silent and deadly but I loved him and I loved the chemistry between him and Nessa it was electrifying. Their moments together were so real for two people in such a messed up situation.

The book was very faced paced and never slowed down. I loved Adam and his power to heal. At first I wasn’t sure of him but towards the end I just felt for him so badly. This book is very violent and the conditions in the system where atrocious. But overall I loved it. It was something different and new, I have never read a book like it. I would recommend this to all paranormal readers.


Relentless - Karen  Lynch Review of Relentless

Rating: 4 stars

Sara is a girl full of secrets, but ones she has to keep in order to protect her friend’s human or not. Her loyalty to others is amazing and it was one of the qualities in her that I loved about this book.
The world building and creatures we get to meet, are cool my favourite being the trolls, who would be friends with trolls but Sara. She has a way with everyone, even Animals; she is a pretty cool person. I loved her relationship with Peter and Roland they were funny, but they also have secrets of their own.
Sara’s dad was murdered ten years ago and she now lives with her uncle, who is very very human, but she always tries to find out what happened to her dad, and while investigating she gets the attention of a twisted vampire but is saved by a warrior Nikolas, who is moody, dark and is always there to protect Sara even if she doesn’t want saving. She really can stand on her own two feet, but when she’s hunted by a vampire that will stop at nothing to have her, Nikolas is all that stands between them. I just loved the tension with Nikolas and Sara, they were back and forth all the time, it was definitely a love hate relationship.
The amount of twists and turns in the story was great and it kept me reading long into the night. I just loved this story, my favourite thing was definitely all the supernatural creatures we get to meet.

I would highly recommend this book to all paranormal/fantasy and romance readers.


Hidden - M. Lathan Review of Hidden

Rating 3 stars

Leah is a loner, her mind is brainwashed into believing that witches are evil and anyone with supernatural abilities should die. She avoids people in order to keep her magic hidden. Being bullied in the orphanage for humans, she tries to keep her awful thoughts of killing her bullies from becoming a reality. But when she nearly flips Sophia who’s a witch takes her away and brings her to a house full of supernatural. Her social skills are zero, so she struggles to trust and befriend the other youth in the house. The house she finds out is actually hers. Sophia had more than one reasons to take her from the orphanage.

As Leah comes out of herself she soon falls for Nathan and he teaches her all about their kind, and that they aren’t evil and neither is she. He educates her all about hunters, who they must avoid at all costs. But with Leah’s picture on the news channel hiding soon becomes a problem and with her old world being replaced with a new one, she becomes guarded in other ways, now she’s not hiding her abilities from the humans, she hides them from her friends questioning if she is really a witch after all.

Watching Leah become a stronger and fun person was brilliant, she was definitely depressed in the orphanage and watching her overcome all she believed to be true was great. The love story between her and Nathan was gentle and Kind and I loved reading about the two of them. But when Leah reveals something about herself and Nathan turns his back on her, for me I didn’t care if he gave her the stars, moon and sun, I just couldn’t like him for the remainder of the story. I cringed every time he was near and wanted so badly for Leah to kill him, because that’s what he deserved not forgiveness. For me when Nathan walks away from Leah my heart wasn’t in the story I was too angry, even though so much more about her parents, and what she really is, is revealed, I just couldn’t stomach Nathan for one more moment.

But that is my opinion maybe others will feel differently about this book.

Veiled Eyes

Veiled Eyes - C.L. Bevill Review of Veiled Eyes

Star Rating: 3.5 stars

Anna has always been able to sense people’s intentions but when she climbs into a truck with a driver a nightmare comes true. Searching for a friend leads her to the psycho, but also opens her mind to the whistling man, that she believes is something her mind has conjured up. But when she awakens drugged and tied down in the back of the truck, she knows what awaits her.
She becomes frantic and the whistling man’s presence in her head becomes stronger asking her where she is? She answers not believing it could be real but when she is rescued by Gabriel she’s taken to his cabin where she awakens with an odd sense that she should be here, and with a fear of the lake people. As she gets closer to Gabriel and soon accepts she’s one of them, she begins to open up slowly.
But when a man warns her away and an old woman speaks to her beyond the grave Anna investigates and enters very dangerous territory. The lake people have secrets and ones that they will protect with their lives.

Anna I really liked her she was strong, intelligent yet cautious. Her ways of dealing with the lake people was very realistic and I loved her and Gabriel’s (Or Mr. Grabby hands) relationship. Gabriel was such a man and more times he didn’t know how to express himself and messed everything up but it was a great chemistry they had together.

I also loved how Anna investigated everything even going into the mines, It was dangerous and reckless but she wouldn’t stop until she got her answers. I was shocked with what she finds out but loved all the twists and turns in the plot.

Overall a great read one I would recommend.

Tales of Erana: Myths and Legends

Tales of Erana: Myths and Legends - A.L. Butcher

Review of Tales of Erana

Rating: 5 stars

Beautifully written short tales of times where magic lived and god's and goddess existed.

The style of writing was easy to read, and had such a gentle flow to it; it really reminded me of tales from when I was a child. Yet each short story held a meaning and each one unique. The world building and the descriptions where so well written I could see everything so clearly.
The stories were not happy ever after, but a lesson to be learnt in all of them.
This is the first book I have read from this author, but now that I can see her style of writing I will definitely read more.

I would highly recommend this to all readers and lovers of paranormal, myths and fantasy. A short yet very enjoyable read.


Storm - Brigid Kemmerer Review of Storm

Rating: 4 stars

The story is mostly told through Becca’s eyes – she was an okay character for me. I found in some situations she was way too dramatic and in others she didn’t blink an eye lid. At times she was funny but not enough for me to really care for her. Like I said she was just okay.

Quinn her best friend was great I loved her one liners and her sarcastic sense of humour – she made the story better.
Okay so what made this story so great for me were four brothers.
Gab and Nick who are twins, Michael the eldest but also their guardian and Chris the love interest where what kept me reading. I just loved the four brothers and of course their gifts. My favourite would be Gabriel and I would love to read a book from his perspective his gift was fire which causes him to have a serious temper and a smart mouth, he isn’t nice to Becca and I didn’t mind as I understood his reasons. Nick his twin controlled air which was so cool if Gab ever got too carried away or lost his temper, Nick was the one to step in and calm him down.
Michael their oldest brother acted like an ass but I didn’t blame him he was trying to be their father/brother/friend and trying to protect them. I felt sorry for him and Gab gave him a really tough time.

Chris was interesting in a moody kind of way but he wasn’t the only love interest in Becca’s life we also had hunter who I knew from the start wasn’t what he seemed. I thought maybe he had an earth or spirit affinity with his knowledge of stones and his love for his dog.

Overall it was interesting and I can’t wait to read Spark (Gab’s story ) :)

World After

World After - Susan Ee Review of World After

Rating: 4 stars

Angel Fall the first book was outstanding for its originality. World after was outstanding for its horror.

Some of the horror was towards the end of book one, but in World After it was on full throttle. Angels are experimenting on humans, turning them into monsters the fact that they don’t just do this man (not that it’s okay) No they take women and even children. This is tough to read especially with Paige being only seven. She’s stitched like a doll, her teeth sharp – made of steel and she’s a cannibal, yet she is only a little girl on the inside who wants to be loved, but Penryn struggles with this. I don’t blame her Paige sounds freaky. But when Paige runs away Penryn realises it’s still her little sister and tries to track her down.

Raffe thinks Penryn is dead so she’s on her own with her “crazy” mother and Clara a women who was used to feed scorpion angels in book one. But Penryn saved her but Clara is not right she’s a shadow of her former self and has aged rapidly from her horrible experience in the lab.

While searching for her sister, Penryn her mum and Clara end up in Alcatraz and we see how the angel scorpions are been made, the most disturbing part was the amount of humans helping. While there Penryn watches a tape of her sister from the day she was taken and I think it takes another chunk from her heart, it broke mine. As Penryn continues her search her responsibility of people to save keeps growing and her family are pushed further away from her. It’s not until Raffe shows up that Penryn can take a breather but not for long as both of them go after Biebel. Raffe for his wings and Penryn for her sister once again.

An amazing yet horrifying journey that’s not over and I can’t wait for the next book.

Price of Vengeance

Price of Vengeance - Kurt D. Springs Review of Price of Vengeance
Rating: 4 stars

Sci-fi wouldn’t be a genre that I would normally read, but I’m glad I read Price of Vengeance. It was a very well written book, with enough interesting characters, as well as a Bear-lizard who can communicate telepathically, to keep everything interesting. I loved the dreamscape where Liam meets Jarek and finds out about who he is, and all about his family. The plot was very well written with enough betrayals, twists and turns to keep you turning the pages.

For me the title says it all. What price would you pay for Vengeance? It’s something that can destroy a man’s soul, and it almost destroys Liam’s.

Liam is an orphan, his family slaughtered by the Chitan – (bug like creatures) and he’s taken in by Marcus and his wife, he also inherits a big brother Randolf. We watch as Liam dedicates his life to being a solider never taking part in sociable affairs.

We learn a lot about Liam when the chitan attack and we see him in full throttle. He can fight, his abilities are amazing and well written especially when he jumps out of time _ (slows time down) the story continues to follow Liam his brother Randlolf and Azure a being of pure evil, who wants Liam on his side. The struggle between right and wrong, and hatred and love is saturated in this story, and love is stronger no matter what, that it can cause a person to let the hatred and anger go. This is very well shown with Celina’s and Liam’s story.

Overall a very well written book. One I feel all Sci-fi and fantasy/paranormal readers will enjoy.


Angelfall - Susan Ee Review of Angelfall

Rating: 5 stars

This has to be one of the most original stories I have read in a long time. Angels roam the earth, and the human species is dwindling fast. The angels aren’t here to help us, they’re here to destroy us.

Penryn the main character was so realistic with her judgement calls, she was no hero her main concerns where her sister Paige and her mother. That’s until Raffe an angel at deaths door presents itself with an opportunity. He can help her find her sister who was taken by the angels. Raffe is no ordinary angel he’s an archangel and one with a conscience. It isn’t exactly a love story that blossoms between them but more of an understanding that their not that different – angels and humans, and soon they see past their differences and help each other for Penryn it’s to save her sister and for Raffe it’s to have his wings sown back on.

Penryn mother is unhinged even before the angels arrived she spoke of demons and things she could see her abuse towards her daughters has left Penryn with little time for her, and Paige at the age of seven in a wheelchair. It’s sad but the author manages to cover up this with humour and I couldn’t stop laughing. Every time her mother did something bonkers. By the end of the book I questioned if her mother was really insane, or if all she saw was the truth, and her actions have meaning. She seems to survive in the most extreme situation.

The end broke my heart. … O so many are damaged, so much hope is lost and the horror that the angels wreck on the world had my skin crawling.

Something new and fresh now off to read World After .

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