Review of Break My Fall
Star rating: 5 stars
I don’t normally read this genre, but I am glad I did. I just loved Break My Fall.
Lee moves in with her high school friend, and straight away you can see her innocence and fear. Her first night there she drinks a little too much and finally gets to meet another roommate, Kyle, who is drop dead gorgeous. Something sparks between the two of them, and Lee acts out of character by kissing Kyle back when he kisses her, only for the kiss to end by his kind-of girlfriend Rachel, who is pissed to say the least.
Lee dies of embarrassment the next day when she comes face to face with Kyle, and spills her coffee; it’s pretty funny how she gets around him. But as the story continues and we watch their love blossom for each other, so much more comes to the surface. I can tell you one thing, this book is drama, drama, drama, and I loved every second of it. I found myself laughing non-stop, or giving Lee a high five when she stood up to Rachel.
The part that got me the most is when Lee and Kyle have a fight in the Kitchen and he grabs her while screaming, it’s at the moment I could see the depth of Lee’s issues, she crumbles and I crumbled too. I had to put my book down, as I cried. It tore me apart; it was so well written I could feel every ounce of Lee’s pain. After the episode we find out exactly what happened to Lee and it’s so sad, but we also see why Kyle is the way he is too and what hold Rachel has on him.
The story is two people with messed up back grounds, both fighting the odds, and both falling for each other.
The sex scenes in the book where very heavy in my opinion, and once again it isn’t something I would normally read, but overlooking them, the story itself was brilliant I finished this book in one sitting and would highly recommend it to others.