Red Queen

Red Queen - Victoria Aveyard Review of the Red Queen

Rating: 5 stars

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To sum up the Red Queen I would say the hunger games meet Games of Throne.

Mare Barrow reminded me of Katniss living in the slums. She stole to survive and her family and best friend Kilcorn come first. But when Mare gets a job in the palace her powers are ignited and she’s brought into the world of Silvers. This is where the story reminded me of Games of throne. The lies deceit and the game the royals played were hard to keep up with and Mare is a pawn in the game, which she doesn’t even know she’s playing. She starts to fall for Marven her betrothed yet she still has feelings for Cal the future King. Her feelings make her judgement off and for it she pays the ultimate price.

The world building was breath-taking and the author’s ability to keep us blind to the truth was very well played out. I didn’t trust anyone and when I did I would second guess myself but I couldn’t have fully predicated who would betray mare.

The rebels add to the tension already in the story and I found my hands clammy in fear of certain rebels been found out, yet once again nothing could have prepared me for the ending

I look forward to Book two and mostly Cal. He’s strong, fierce and his loyalty to the crown is to be admired. He is a warrior, his abilities had me transfixed on him. Just loved him no matter where he stands in this war.

I would highly recommend this to all fantasy lovers.