The System

Star rating: 4 stars
Nessa Parker is the main character and she’s strong, loyal and witty. I just loved her. Taken from her normal life she’s into the system. The system wasn’t really what I expected the violence that Collins delivers to them, had me shocked to the core and their reason for being in the system was even more appalling. They had to assassinate certain people, if they failed their lives where over. Nessa isn’t normal but has a rare gift as such, she can kill you without touching you. She finds out some horrible truths about her parents and about herself but she stays strong through it all. I cried when I read a certain part with her dad, it just broke my heart; it was unfair, cruel and heart-breaking. But it fuels Nessa’s reason to fight the system and with Nick at her side she has everything to fight for.
Nick O god, he was messed up, silent and deadly but I loved him and I loved the chemistry between him and Nessa it was electrifying. Their moments together were so real for two people in such a messed up situation.
The book was very faced paced and never slowed down. I loved Adam and his power to heal. At first I wasn’t sure of him but towards the end I just felt for him so badly. This book is very violent and the conditions in the system where atrocious. But overall I loved it. It was something different and new, I have never read a book like it. I would recommend this to all paranormal readers.