
Rating: 4 stars
The story is mostly told through Becca’s eyes – she was an okay character for me. I found in some situations she was way too dramatic and in others she didn’t blink an eye lid. At times she was funny but not enough for me to really care for her. Like I said she was just okay.
Quinn her best friend was great I loved her one liners and her sarcastic sense of humour – she made the story better.
Okay so what made this story so great for me were four brothers.
Gab and Nick who are twins, Michael the eldest but also their guardian and Chris the love interest where what kept me reading. I just loved the four brothers and of course their gifts. My favourite would be Gabriel and I would love to read a book from his perspective his gift was fire which causes him to have a serious temper and a smart mouth, he isn’t nice to Becca and I didn’t mind as I understood his reasons. Nick his twin controlled air which was so cool if Gab ever got too carried away or lost his temper, Nick was the one to step in and calm him down.
Michael their oldest brother acted like an ass but I didn’t blame him he was trying to be their father/brother/friend and trying to protect them. I felt sorry for him and Gab gave him a really tough time.
Chris was interesting in a moody kind of way but he wasn’t the only love interest in Becca’s life we also had hunter who I knew from the start wasn’t what he seemed. I thought maybe he had an earth or spirit affinity with his knowledge of stones and his love for his dog.
Overall it was interesting and I can’t wait to read Spark (Gab’s story ) :)